Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Claiming blogs with Technorati

I was excited about Technorati, and instantly went to claim my blogs. My other blog ( was already listed with an authority of 5 - whatever that means! I claimed this blog as well - hopefully it will get noticed and get some authority!

So, I finally got back to the task at hand and did some searching on Technorati. I did an exact phrase search for "Learning 2.0" and it came up with almost 4,000 blog posts. I did find an interesting blog (The Travelin' Librarian) that had a post about a similar Technology incentive program. I did a tag search and it only brought up about 1200 blogs. None of the blog postings looked intriguing. Lastly, I did the blog directory search and it only brought up a little more than 1,000 blogs. I saw an interesting blog post (Remote Access) from a teacher who noticed that his students are using Google docs to complete their assignments, and their sharing their work and getting ideas, etc. Social networking in the classroom - cool.

The most popular blogs, by authority, was the the blogs about electronic gadgets. The most popular, by fans, was the Boing Boing blog- and it looks intriguing. I'll have to spend some time later looking through it. The top searches were political: arab and obama. It looks like the top tags are also political, but after is "music". This is what we are talking about right now - politics, gadgets and music.


jdscott50 said...

The technorati authority ranking is based on how many blogs link to you. The blog reactions count how many blogs link to you. The authority sums it up. The higher the blog authority linking to you, the higher your own authority will go up.