Thursday, April 24, 2008

"How many lives has been lost on the cutting edge of Discovery?"

Ahh! Gooogle is AMAZING!!! Ok, so I have already spent some valuable time playing with some different programs featured on Google Labs . I already have previously used some of the "graduated" features on the right and have been pleased with the results. It's interesting that Google is constantly creating new and interesting features - I guess it's important to keep on their toes on technology.

So, I went to the Experimental Search and used the time line feature. Wow, this tool is soo neat. You type a person's name, with "view:timeline" and it brings up a little time line chart and then relevant websites that have key events listed about their life. I haven't seen any hang-ups yet - but I was using well known names when I did my searches. I totally think this will be a most helpful tool for searchers - especially those who need biographical information. I hope this will graduate - I'm not seeing how this would not be a helpful tool! Try it out